Jokes are always funny and dark humor jokes mean the jocks who have the savage and most unconditional answers. These dark humor jokes are always keeping you entertained. And most unusual part is no one can predict the actual answer to it. Have a look at some best dark humor jokes which are perfect to lighten up any ambiance.
21 Best and Funny Dark Humor Jokes
1. Did You Hear about the octopus that held up a bank?
It was an armed robbery
2. Did you hear about the paint boat that sank?
All the sailors were marooned
3. Why did the lion go to therapy?
He found out his wife was a cheetah
4. My wife is mad that I ruined our anniversary
I am not sure how I didn’t even know it was today
5. My husband told me to do whatever makes me happy
I am going to miss him
6. I haven’t talked to my wife in a week
I didn’t want to interrupt her.
7. My husband says I’m too competitive
I told him I already knew that
8. My Husband is mad That I have no sense of direction.
So I packed up my stuff and right.
9. Bacon and eggs walk into a bar.
The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.”
10. What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn’t matter. He’s not coming either way.
11. I don’t really like camping.
Then again, I don’t enjoy anything in tents.
12. I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey.
But then I turned myself around.
13. They say three out of five people suffer from a chronic disease.
Does that mean two of them enjoy it?
14. As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way.
Maybe a career as a tour guide was not the right choice.
15. The proper way to use a stress ball is to throw it at the last person to upset you.
16. I have many jokes about unemployed people
Sadly none of them work.
17. Feeling stressed out?
Make a nice cup of hot tea and then spill it in the lap of whoever’s bugging you.
18. The most corrupt CEOs are those of the pretzel companies.
They’re always so twisted.
19. You’re not completely useless.
You can always serve as a bad example.
20. My boss says I have a preoccupation with vengeance.
We’ll see about that.
21. My boss told me to have a good day.
So I went home.
In Conclusion
Do you have any dark humor jokes no limits in your mind? You can share it through the comment section and let us know what is inside your mind. All of the dark humor jocks are not for everyone there is always a certain age barrier.